Explore the mystery of physical health in the Bible. Whether you want to prevent diseases or receive healing, let us all enjoy good health and longevity, and plant the trees of life together for 52 years! You are welcomed to sign up for the “Bible, Medicine & Health” conference!

林光常教授简介 Prof. Luke Lin's Profile
  • 尼加拉瓜国太平洋大学讲座教授
    Professor in Universidad Del Pacifico (UNIP), Nigaragua
  • 中国湖北中医药大学中医学博士
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Traditional Chinese Medicine,
    Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, China
  • 百万册畅销书作家
    Million copies best selling Author

日间课程报名 Registration for the Daytime Sessions

报名费用 Registration Fees:
RM180/一人 per person
报名费包含2个午餐 Fees Include 2 Lunches

临场报名 Walk in: RM200/一人 per person
报名费包含2个午餐 Fees Include 2 Lunches

缴费方式 Payment Method:
请透过户口转账至 Kindly wire transfer to
MAYBANK 5-12334-30127-6
备注 Note:  转账时请注明 LUKE LIN     Kindly specify LUKE LIN when transferring

报名截止日期 Registration Deadline:   20/8/2023 (日 Sun)

特会详情 Conference's Details

日间课程 Daytime Sessions:
日期 Date: 24 & 25/8/2023 (四 & 五 Thu & Fri)
时间 Time: 10:00am - 3pm
地点 Venue: GA祷告帐幕 GA Prayer Tabernacle

24/8 (四 Thu)
25/8 (五 Fri)
10am - 12:30pm
第1课 Session 1
第3课 Session 3  
1:30pm - 3pm
第2课 Session 2 第4课 Session 4 

公开特会 Open Meeting:
日期 Date: 26/8/2023 (六 Sat)
时间 Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
地点 Venue: GA祷告帐幕 GA Prayer Tabernacle

主日崇拜 Sunday Service:
日期 Date: 27/8/2023 (日 Sun)
时间 Time: 8:30am & 11am
地点 Venue: GA祷告帐幕 GA Prayer Tabernacle

联络人 Contact Person

李子康传道 Pr Moses Lee
GA611灵粮堂教育装备部  GA611BOL Education and Equipping Centre
联络电话 Contact No.: +6017-351 2600
电邮 Email: moseslee@ga611bol.org / gati@ga611bol.org

GA611 灵粮堂 GA611 Bread of Life Centre

祷告帐幕 Prayer Tabernacle
No.8, Jalan Bersatu 13/4, Seksyen 13,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.